About Stratolinks

First of all we are not an Internet service provider. We provide the internet service providers the means of providing customers in rural areas high speed internet service with our wireless network.

Stratolinks is a privately owned and operated company, and our entire network has been built without any Federal, Provincial or Municipal funding.

Our network is based from London Ontario and covers an area of several thousand square kilometers. Each tower includes a wireless access point to provide customer connections and a custom router to bring the customer access onto the wireless backbone. This router allows us to control the bandwidth used by each type of customer. With all the upgrades to the network we have been working on in the past few years, we are now offering higher speeds to all qualifying clients. Standard packages start at 6 Megs, and we have service up to 25 Megs in almost all areas now.

Take a look at our latest coverage maps here or by clicking on the Maps button above.

We are always on the lookout for new sites to expand the coverage of the network so check back every now and then to see what new sites we have added.

For the best viewing experience, we recommend a screen size of 1024x768 or more and a Standards based browser. All pages on this site are certified W3C compliant.